I sort of randomly pulled up some pictures from my pics file, basically going through the pics in alphabetical order and grabbing those that grabbed my attention.
Then I looked at the pics. And thought of the following story pitch:
Towelie, the Dude, Amy Lee, Dice-K, and Boston. The .... that may well be the stupidest idea I've ever had... .and that's saying something.
Emmy Slam 2019
So, adulting is just taking up all my time lately to the point that I think
I missed completely the last major awards event (for shame!). But it's my
5 years ago
Recent Music
Chicken Foot -CD (Sammy Hagar, Michael Anthony, Joe Satriani, and Chad Smith
Green Day - 21'st Century Breakdown CD
Bob Dylan - Dylan CD
Pearl Jam: Ten Legacy Edition Double CD
Metallica: The Black Album (Unofficial title)
Rolling Stones: Beggar's Banquet Remastered CD
Miles Davis: Bitches Brew CD
Sara Vaughn: Ken Burns Jazz Series
Watchmen Soundtrack
Dan Aurebach: Keep it Hid
Tobacco: My Fucked up Friends
Bruce Springsteen: Working on a Dream
Black Ice by AC/DC
Van Halen - Greatest Hits Vol. 1 CD
Dark Knight - Soundtrack
Metallica - Death Magnetic CD
The Duke Spirit - Neptune
Duffy - Rockferry CD
Recently Read (*Recommended)
Point Blank tpb by Ed Brukaker
100 Bullets Vol. 13 Wilt by Brian Azzarello and Eduardo Risso
The Flash The Human Race by Grant Morrison and Mark Millar
Casino Moon by Peter Blauner HC crime novels
The Punisher Max vol. 5 HC by Garth Ennis,goranParlov, and Howard chaykin
Nexus As it Happened Vol. 1 by Mike Baron and Steve Rude
League of Extraordinary Gentleman 1910 by Alan Moore
*Ultimate Spider Man Vol. 10 HC
Young Avengers Vol. 1 tpb
Chinatown Death Cloud Peril
House Dick by E. Howard Hunt (HC crime series0 *
Gangland tpb, by various
Guardians of the Galaxy HC "And the Earth Shall Overcome"
Essential Rampaging Hulk tpb
The Dead Man's Wife by Roger Zelazny - HC crime book
The Astonishing Wolf-Man tpb by robert Kirkman and Jason Howard
Solomon Kane complete mini-series
Streets of Glory by Garth Ennis and Mike Wolfer tpb
Daredevil : Lady Bullseye tpb by Ed Brubaker and Michael Lark
Patriot Acts by Greg Rucka
A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn
ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 18 Ultimate Knights tpb by Brian Bendis and Mark Bagley
Powers tpb vol. 12: The 25 Coolest Dead Superheroes by Brian Bendis and Mike Oeming
Watchmen HC by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons
BattleField: The Night Witches by Garth Ennis
The Cutie: (aka The mercenaries) by Donald Westlake (HC crime novels)
All Star Superman HC by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely
Essential Fantastic Four vol. 4 by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby
The Punisher: girls in White Dresses tpb by Greg Hurwitz
Killing Castro - HC Crime Novel, by Lawrence Block
Fifty to One - HC crime novel
EC Archives: Two-Fisted Tales
Batman; Ego and Other Tales by Darwyn Cooke
The Gonzo papers Vol. 1 by Hunter S. Thompson
Savage Sword of Conan Vol. 1 tpb
The Joker HC by Brian Azzarello and Lee Bermejo
Sandman Mystery Theater Vol. 6 The Hourman and the {Python by Matt Wagner, Steven Seagle, Davis and Pleece
Superman: Kryptonite by Darwyn Cooke and Tim Sale
Recently Watched (*Recommended)
Quicksand - DVD film noir
The Wrestler - DVD by dir. Daron Aronofsky
Special DVD
Reservior Dogs by Quentin Tarantino - for the 87th time!!
Martyrs - disturbing, viseral, challenging, but really tough to watch
Point Break Dir. by Kathryn Bigelow, starring Patrick Swayze and Keanu Reeves on dvd
Flash Point on DVD
Star Trek by J.J. Abrams - DLP Theater
Angel heart by Alan Parker on DVD
Quantum of Solace (DVD)
Splinter (DVD0
Dead and Buried (DVD)
Shockwave on DVD
Vice Squad (1982) DVD
Quarantine DVD
Next Door DVD
From Freedom to Fascism: Documentary
Memento on HD on Demand dir, by Christopher Nolan
Let the Right One In DVD
The Furies onDVD with Barbara Stanwyck and directed by Anthony Mann
Watchmen by Zach Synder in theater
RockNRolla by Guy Ritchie
Extras: Series Finale - HBo on demand
Tropic Thunder on dVd
Dog Day Afternoon - HD on demand
Beautiful Girls on DVD
Trainspotting on DVD by Danny Boyle
Fargo by the Coen brothers on dvd
The Dark Knight - HD on demand
Pineapple Ex[ress on DVD
No End in Sight DVD
Death Race on DVD remake
Black Book on DVD by Paul Verhoeven
Wire inthe Blood: The Mermaids Singing and Shadows Rising dVDS
The Thing From Another World on DVD produced by Howard Hawks
Super smart (and oh so humble) I often wonder if heightened intelligence is a blessing or a curse. Recognizing the evil, lies, and corruption that dominate the world, I often retreat into films, comics, sports, and other distractions. Bread and Circuses, baby!! (Don't you just wanna hang out with me now; I must be a barrel of laughs). My blog is where you can read these thoughts, and soon enough you will begin to see, I'm a pretty cool guy. (There's that humility again)
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